Sunday musings, Garden Party and summer floral studies

Sunday musings, Garden Party and summer floral studies

June 27, 2021

Last Sunday of June and it's really starting to feel like summer. Temperature is suppose to be in the upper 30s celsius today and the garden is switching over to those warm colours. Yellow, orange and hot pinks, with the poppies, day lilies, rudbeckia, primrose and cone flowers.

Here's a couple paintings from this weekend's art practice.

When we meet again, 5" x 7" watercolour on arches paper

Things are finally starting to open up here in Ontario and my heart is hopeful for the many social outings that we can start to look forward to. This bouquet of poppies, bee balm and irises are just bursting with joy.


orange and yellow floral bouquet painting by Wendy Millard

Stillness, 5 x 5" gouache on handmade paper

As I'm a gemini and not satisfied with experimenting with just one medium, this is the latest of the mini gouache paintings that are on this lovely handmade paper. There's so much texture and detail in the painting - it's part of the design, letting it show and adding to the overall painting!

These and others will be available at the upcoming Garden Party and Art Auction July 24th at Maple Ridge Farm where flower lovers can take the afternoon or early evening to bask in the flower gardens, view art and beautiful photos by Susan Torrible of the flowers and farm and leave with your own original piece of art and a floral bouquet after a lively art auction.

Find more of my daily art practice on Instagram.





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